Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Gardening and Life

I guess it must have been the winter of our discontent....I've been AWOL because I have felt compelled to be outdoors in my every waking moment that I'm not at work. Despite the blanket of pollen that has persisted into late June, I've pruned, planted, added some new shrubs and perennials, expanded the vegetable garden. As in life, there will be successful and unsuccessful ventures, and that's OK....although I hope my efforts yield beauty, nectar for birds and insects, and healthy food for us. I did again plant some squashes although the squash beetles always seem to get the better of the crop by August. I researched some potential solutions for this year.

Last week, a big turkey found its way into the vegetable garden. I suppose it must have just walked through the opening in the fence, which is just one of those low, white wire decorative garden fences that probably doesn't really keep much out. Tom Turkey kept walking around the inside perimeter, looking a bit alarmed although it certainly could have probably hopped over the fence with little fanfare. Finally it got to the mulch pile, and made its escape. I'm expecting that there will be a new wild turkey generation soon.

We have a sweet little dooryard with flowers and herbs, including a New Dawn rose that was planted by the prior owner's wife in 1951. That just started to bloom. The rosa rugosa is blooming too; these are the indestructible "beach roses" which I have since learned are banned in some states because of their propensity to spread. They are considered a "nuisance plant". I had willingly planted a few that my father had purchased and quickly saw that they were spreading like mint. Only they are armed with the nastiest thorns, like needles, making them quite challenging to remove. I can see they are not going to give up!

Gardening is so much like life: live and learn. Laugh at mistakes, try to do better next time, love the imperfect.