Remember "back in the day" on Easter Sundays? My sister and I would usually be wearing matching outfits....fluffy dresses and white straw hats, tights and patent leather shoes. There was a sense of excitement as we would accompany my mother on a shopping trip in the weeks before Easter. My father worked in Worcester, and we would annually stay out of school for a day, and make the drive from Somerset to shop at the new mall down the street from "the office". After purchasing our new outfits, we would all go to Spag's and my brother would get to buy some Matchbox cars.
I still remember Easter Sundays at St. Thomas More Church. There was always an extra large crowd and a lot of overpowering perfume and rather outlandish spring hats. I couldn't concentrate on the Mass because I would be too busy gawking at everyone and in particular, the ladies. At the time -- probably around 1962 -- mink stoles were the rage and I was both horrified and fascinated by the stoles that boasted the actual little feet of the mink! Wouldn't be politically correct nowadays! The hats of course would rival some of the British royal fashion. There were a lot of flowers and ribbons in a dazzling array of pastels. One year, in the late '60's, the nautical look was in and my sister and I sported royal blue and white maxi coats. The church parishioners looked more like a band of sailors, lots of red, white and navy blue and less flowery hats.
My paternal grandparents who lived next door would always come over to see us in our Easter dresses. Pictures would be taken, sometimes, and we would all enjoy a nice ham dinner after church. And then, of course, the requisite chocolate bunny after that. And then we would put on our "play clothes" and go outside; the grass would be greening up and the spring flowers blooming.
Wonderful memories!
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